Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Kodoyampa: The Earth Maker

One day after Kodoyampa made land, he and He-No (Coyote) sat eating, Kodoyampa said,"I think we need to make other creatures,". He-No replied the two legged! So that night Kodoyampa went and found two smooth yellow sticks and placed one under each arm pit .... when they both awoke in the morning, there was two beautiful humans one man and one woman, He-No then tried the next night to mimic Kodoyampa,  he couldnt wait and he kept on waking up to find nothing had happened. It wasnt till right before the light of break He-No finally fell asleep. And while asleep he was was woke up all of a sudden by two big thumps to his rib, when he awoke, he seen two women one with two eyes but very ugly and the other had ONE BIG EYE.... This is why we hear of stories from long ago with creature's human like with one eye and why we have good looking and not so good-looking people, thanks to He-No. 
The Earth Maker also established seasons, Kum-men-ni(rain season), Yo-ho-men-ni(leaf season), I-hi-lak-ki (dry season) and Mat-men-ni(falling leaf season). He also gave the  Kuksu the first song and he (Kuksu) brought renewal beliefs songs, dances and made a Kum or Roundhouse or Dance house to have ceremony in. This is why during each season the Konkow people dance, sing (PRAY) and celebrate each season giving thanks to Kodoyampa, Kuksu, to the earth, wind, stars and sun... the plants and animals that make it possible to survive.

We the Konkow Valley people have been here since the Earth Maker created this earth for us. We have always been, and we will always be here in Kojomk'awi . This is our homeland and even threw Cultural Genocide, and removal of our people to reservations and boarding schools, we have returned to our homelands and pieced together what culture we could with the help from Kodoyampa and our ancestors. Oooo

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